Omega 3

Clinical trials usually work this way: a test group is divided into two – one part is given a tested drug while the other a placebo (a neutral substance, water, olive or sugar based). None, neither patients nor the head of the research know which is which. At the end of the trial, the effects are compared and revealed. In case of omega 3, the effects were so powerful that the trial was completed only halfway through, due to ethical considerations.

There were many trials and in most cases the therapeutic effect was quite evident, permanent and almost exactly proportional to the duration of therapy (twice as strong after six months as after three), If the supplement failed to work, it almost always meant either too short a period or too low a dose. Omega three is indeed powerful reliever of depression (it may also mean that the disease may result from omega 3 depletion). It must be noted, however, that not everything works for everyone – there may be a different underlying cause of the disease (such as D3 deficiency, thyroid issues etc.) – yet the supplement’s efficacy is extremely high (as compared with other medicaments). It seems that the price of it is the issue here. It is much too low to generate profit; besides, it is impossible to patent Omega 3.

The way omegas work is super easy: the brain is simply constructed out of these fats, especially the region responsible for regulation of the mood. If there is no omega 3 in the foods we ingest, our brains start malfunctioning. Equally, if depletion is addressed, depression reverses. It seems that diseases related to this deficiency are on the rise: depression, heart diseases, autoimmunological diseases, neurose…

Another vital fact to remember is that the levels of omega 3 in the cells changes very slowly – to reach optimum levels one may need long months of supplementation – in extreme cases even up to two years. On the upside, the effect of it then keeps for many years.

2000 mg EPA is the most recommended dose that doesn’t cause side effects – its efficacy can be increased by combining it with additional supplementation. Choline is most helpful here – it rebuilds brain structures; soy lecithin is the best possible source (10 – 20 grams a day minimum).

Uridine is beneficial, too, but it is hard to achieve a significant result with the use of its forms available to the public, so it is not essential to use it. Low doses of lithium (do not combine with SSRIs – if you must, be very cautious) – 5 to 10 milligrams daily, B group vitamins (methyl cobalamin) and ginkgo bilboa (increasing brain circulation and speeding regeneration up) can also be considered.